In this episode, you'll hear about the experience labs that are planned for the 2020 Virtual Summit!
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Derek Robinson 00:00:02 Welcome to Data Points, a podcast by InterSystems Learning Services.
Make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app. Links can be found at I'm Derek Robinson. And on today's episode, I'll be giving you a preview of the five different Experience Labs created by Learning Services that you can look forward to at the 2020 Virtual Summit.
Derek Robinson 00:00:40 Welcome to Episode 14 of Data Points by InterSystems Learning Services. In this episode, it'll just be me, no guests on the podcast today. Our whole team here in Online Learning always ramps up during the summer every year, in preparation for the Global Summit. Many of you listening have probably attended Global Summits in the past. Every year it's a chance for InterSystems partners and customers to come together and learn, collaborate, and network, and share their experiences with InterSystems products and anything else in their careers. Of course, given the global pandemic, things are different this year; everything's virtual, and thus it is the 2020 Virtual Summit that's happening this year in October and early November. Links in the podcast description will get you to the important information. But today I want to run through the five different Experience Labs that our team has been working on and will be offering at this year's Virtual Summit.
Derek Robinson 00:01:31 Experience Labs are something that you may have attended at past summits if you have frequented Global Summits in the past for InterSystems. They're designed to be 45-minute hands-on exercises that typically focus on a new and exciting feature within the InterSystems stack of technologies. The five labs that we're offering this year cover the topics of FHIR, IntegratedML, Visual Studio Code and ObjectScript, InterSystems Reports, and HealthShare Provider Directory. So let's start with FHIR. Formally, this one's called Building FHIR Applications with InterSystems API Manager. This lab is meant for healthcare developers. In the exercise, you'll learn how to use InterSystems API Manager to view APIs to write FHIR applications. More specifically, the application that you build in this exercise will query for observations that may predict the severity and progression of COVID-19, retrieving data from a FHIR server over REST. So it's a topical use case for sure. InterSystems IRIS for Health provides a base FHIR server implementation with a FHIR resource repository. And for this exercise, we've pre-configured a FHIR R4 server on an IRIS for Health instance, pre-populating its FHIR resource repository with some sample patient data. And notably, this lab has already been taken by some people, and one person remarked that it's a three-for-one lab, meaning that you get FHIR, IRIS for Health, and API Manager, all in one. So that's pretty cool. The team working on the FHIR lab has consisted of Craig Lee, Patrick Jamieson, Jenny Ames, Adam Coppola, and Duong Do.
Derek Robinson 00:03:02 Next up, we have Hands-On with IntegratedML. If you attend other sessions at Virtual Summit, you're bound to come across IntegratedML as one of the new features being discussed. This lab is designed for developers who have a good grasp of SQL and want to integrate machine learning into their applications. The exercise will guide you through the steps, all of which are simple SQL commands with very familiar syntax, to create, train, and execute a predictive model on a set of patient data to predict patient readmissions. You'll learn a bit about the data preparation that goes on before implementing machine learning as well. But at the core of the exercise, the objective is to remove the barriers to machine learning by integrating it straight into the relational data access in InterSystems IRIS. The exercise is contained within an Apache Zeppelin notebook, so it's super easy to click and run commands, play around with your own, move at your own pace, really explore the lab and IntegratedML as a feature. I personally worked on this lab and designed quite a bit of it, and I'm excited to see others benefit from it. The others on the team who worked with me were Tom Dyar, Benjamin De Boe, and David Lepzelter.
Derek Robinson 00:04:10 Another lab being offered is Developing ObjectScript with Visual Studio Code. Now this one is pretty widely applicable to any developers that use InterSystems technology. In this lab, you'll go step by step through installing Visual Studio Code and managing the source code of an InterSystems IRIS server. For many of you who have used Studio or Atelier in the past, VS Code is really the current evolution of what is recommended. And it's a free platform that developers tend to be familiar with as well. Using the ObjectScript extension, you can become familiar with how to set things up, and be able to manage your code, connect it to a server. And one of the good things about this lab, in my opinion, is that coming out of it, you really have everything set up to connect and work with any InterSystems IRIS instance by simply updating really just a few configuration settings. So once you have Visual Studio Code set up, you're going to come out of this lab good to go and connect to any InterSystems IRIS instance. Raj Singh, Tim Leavitt, Adam Coppola, and Duong Do made up the team building this lab, and it looks great. Like I said, I tried it myself just yesterday.
Derek Robinson 00:05:12 Next we have Getting Started with InterSystems Reports. A little bit of a different focus here, as this one is targeted at data analysts and report designers for the most part. InterSystems Reports is a new tool in the analytics area, and this is another topic you'll likely hear about during Virtual Summit across other presentations. In fact, Episode Seven of this podcast featured Product Manager Carmen Logue, who gave a breakdown of what InterSystems Reports is in anticipation of it coming out. So definitely check out that episode if you're interested to learn more about this technology specifically. In this lab, you'll use both the InterSystems report designer and server to develop a banded report, a bar chart, and a cross- tab report. You'll also learn about how to publish this report to a server. This lab provides a good way to see how seamlessly InterSystems IRIS can connect to this simple reporting solution to make your data more digestible to your audiences. Carmen, of course, as I mentioned, was part of the team building this lab, along with Zack Krowiak and Duong Do.
Derek Robinson 00:06:10 Last, but certainly not least, we have Provider Directory: Sharing Clean Provider Data with FHIR. This lab is meant for data stewards, data architects, or health
insurance executives. In this exercise, you'll walk through Provider Directory from the perspective of a data steward for an insurance company. You'll view a provider record and dive into what source records contribute to that master record. Look at the record's history, see how updates to Provider Directory propagate to the Unified Clinician Registry in HealthShare. And you'll even test out FHIR endpoints exposed by Provider Directory. The team building this lab consists of Jim Derrickson, Zach Krowiak, and Jaising Pasten.
Derek Robinson 00:06:48 So those are the five Experience Labs, and we're really excited for learners to get the chance to do them. These labs will become available after the keynote sessions of Virtual Summit. So follow the links in this episode to register for the summit and get the information you need. The labs will be on demand. You can launch them and take them at any time during the Virtual Summit. And that time frame leads up to the week of November 2nd to 5th, when each lab will have two different time slots for office hours: one at noon Eastern time, and one at 10:30 pm Eastern time, to account for our global audiences. The full schedule of office hours is in the description of this podcast. So there's a nice little primer on what you can expect from the Experience Labs at Virtual Summit. We've been working hard to build these, and we're really excited for you all to try them. That'll do it for Episode 14, and we'll see you next time on Data Points.
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